The Snap of September

Masonry work and roof drain on Esther Building

The Snap of September

September 4, 2019


Masonry work and roof drain on Esther Building

Masonry and roof drain work on the Esther building

An Energetic Snap.

With the snap of September, the long Labor Day weekend marks a new energy.  The heat of summer still warms the midday air, but evenings and mornings bow to the approach of the cooler autumn weather.  Fall livens us to ‘snap to it’ in a cycle of celebration and preparation.  (And education….welcome back, students!) And we approach each with that energetic snap unique to the month of September.

The Esther Building Repairs. 

The Esther Building has lasted through more than one hundred Wisconsin winters, but two years ago, the prolonged cycle of extreme melting and freezing caused damage to the brickwork underneath the roof drain.  Last week, Hi Lo Service began the restorative process to repair the masonry.  Finnegan Construction reworked the roof drain, extending it further from the building’s north wall.

Winds Paradox is grateful for these contractors’ artistry in the process of restoration and useful preservation.  Their work is amazing!


A Bit of Matthias History Returns.

The Fallout Shelter sign

A gift from a dear friend, the Fallout Shelter sign

In the 1930’s and 1940’s, the city of Merrill owned the Matthias Building, utilizing it as the armory and fallout shelter for the community.  This past week, a dear friend – who is an expert local historian – gifted Winds Paradox with a Fallout Shelter sign.  For many years I recall the familiar Department of Defense sign was bolted to the side of the building.

I am unsure as to the reason, but the return of the sign to Matthias feels like both an embrace of the past and a christening to the future.

Thank you, Sir.  Thank you.




Labor Day in Merrill

The Labor Day Parade


The Labor Day parade gathers the community in proud celebration of service, of labor, and of joy.  To be among all of the festivities, is a privilege.  The celebration is its own art!

Each year, the Matthias Building is graced by the presence of the parade’s beginning.

A community gathering to celebrate their service, their labors, their joys

Labor Day 2019

Thank you, Merrill Fire and Police Departments.


The Line-Up of Vintage Automobiles. Genesee Street

Winds Paradox

And just like that, as if by a snap of Mother Nature’s fingers or those of Father Time’s, the world turns with an energetic snap into September.  But the inspiration of the season draws upon a timeless gift of community.  Hi Lo and Finnegan Construction repairs the Esther Building.  A dear friend gives a piece of Matthias’ history.  I was immersed in the celebration of Labor Day.

Therein lives artistry.

With gratitude and much love,

