07 Oct Memorial Day, May 27, 2019
May 27, 2019
So odd, the beginning of summer is marked by the day in which we remember soldiers those angel veterans who never became veterans here. We remember them today.
And there are a lot of them to remember.
A person could raise a fuss about the materialistic, commercial and ‘light’ mannerisms in which the public at large treats the day. But do we really? Yes, to a point we all do. We schedule our first outdoor barbeques and our first garden plantings. Maybe we even wear our shorts and sandals for the first weekend in Wisconsin.
And we thank those lost souls every moment we do. I can only imagine the heartache of families. I can only imagine the terror of deadly combat and the horrors of battle.
Every year communities raise their flags a little higher. And bow heads a bit lower on this day.
At the Matthias building, Memorial Day is remembering. Flowers are potted and flags are displayed. It’s the same each year, one might say.
And I would respond with a thank you