
With the snap of September, the long Labor Day weekend marks a new energy.  The heat of summer still warms the midday air,...

Studying landscapes and planning swirl together in a blessed dance.  These are among the art of August.  Winds Paradox strives to build an...

Gallery 419 West.  In my mind's eye, the name and concept were planned, the timing scheduled.  I had devised a linear approach to...

Happy Fourth of July!! Twenty-eight years ago, during a business trip to New York City, a co-worker friend and I climbed those metal...

May 19, 2019 Creating a business around a name like "Winds Paradox" challenged me, yet I could not imagine any other.  Originally "Winds &...

Winds Paradox purchased the Esther Building in 2015.  Built in 1914 during the leather tanning heyday of the Merrill area, it had housed...

The color "Chantilly", that is!  "The color of dawning sunshine filtered through slumbering trees;  of snow-kissed sighs of sunsets; of flickering bonfire kisses...