Author: Stephanie Springborn

Yes, I am smitten with the positively pink Christmas tree which now adorns one of the Main Street display windows. When I had the chance to embrace a pink Christmas tree, I thought maybe I should....

Winds Paradox wishes everyone a Sunday like today! From the warmth of Wisconsin sunshine to an opportunity for the obligatory afternoon nap...

I feel the impact of June 2020 in those words from The Little Prince.  Although June's realities were much less subtle than those of de Saint-Exupery, the lessons are surprisingly similar.  No matter a person's politics or beliefs, we, as a society, collectively share the...

April 8, 2020 [caption id="attachment_16100" align="alignnone" width="300"] The Esther Building is sold.[/caption] On this sunny Wisconsin spring day, Winds Paradox wishes everyone good health, good cheer and a plethora of activities during our 'alone together' time.  COVID-19, a virus among viruses, has sprung the entire world into...

This October, Winds Paradox celebrates fire prevention.  With so many aspects to the care of a building, one important part is general safety and fire prevention.  Codes enforce compliance, certainly, but the art of a building itself includes its safety....

So odd, the beginning of summer is marked by the day in which we remember soldiers those angel veterans who never became veterans here.  We remember them today. And there are a lot of them to remember....

I just smile, speechless at the sight of the building's name, the company name, and contact information in the Main Street window.  Such a small step, yes?  But Matthias Building's sign steps the development forward in our neighborhood.  It introduces the physical presence of Winds...